Hi am Mubarak kual Louis

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Get to know me

Am a software developer and freelancer 😁😁 base Kigali Rwanda

More about me

I am full stack developer and well skilled with vuejs,Javascript Typscript php(laveral) Iam passionate and love full-stack development and as well as ui and ux and machine learning with python libaries such numpy , pandas and tensorflow (figma,canva and adobe xd)

Am also a blogger I write blog post about self improvement, programming and tech related stuffs

My main focus

Full-stack development with main focus in Vue3, nuxt and Laravel but also experiment other technologies below

  • Javascript
  • React
  • Tailwind
  • Bootstrap
  • vue

  • Nodejs
  • MongoDb and Express
  • php
  • Leveral

My projects

Movie Engine

This web app let you search for all sorts of movies and series from and api call OMDb API.

The app is built with vue3 composition api and vue router

Manner and ettiquetes

This web app is a blog website made with vue 3 and inertia in the frontend and laravel php in the backend it content all the functionality of real web app.

They include authentication filtering and search and commenting.

Javascript 2d game

This is javascript 2d brick game that uses javascript canvas. The game combines functiomalities such as collosion detection and sounds and many othere

Self improvement

This is a blog landing page with vue as a ui framework and uses wordpress api as backend.The blog posts are about self development

Get in touch